3min read

My First Post

Welcome to my blog! In this introductory post, I share why I started this blog, my background in coding, and what you can expect in future posts.

Hi everyone! My name is Roma. Welcome to my blog.

Why This Post?

Before I begin, I want to explain why I decided to write my first post this way.

Naturally, before starting to write, I looked at many other people's blogs. I was curious to see how they start their blogs and what they write in their first posts. In most cases, it’s just a standard post about the blog's topic. Initially, I wanted to do the same: simply write a post about some technology I recently learned or a project I worked on.

But I decided I needed a place to come back to and compare my progress with. So, this post will be like that. Let’s say it's my own milestone that I will use to track my progress in the future.

Who Am I?

You can read more about me on the About page. But briefly: I’m a developer with over 10 years of programming experience.

An interesting fact: I’m a chemist by education. During my final years at university, I thought I would become a graphic designer. But fate decided otherwise, and I became a programmer.

However, my love for design and usability remained, and now I specialize in frontend development.

Whenever I learn new things, especially complex concepts, I try to visualize them. For me, this is an easier way to understand complicated topics. One of the goals of this blog is to help others understand complex things in a way that makes sense to me, by visualizing them. Initially, I even thought of making a blog with pictures, but I’m afraid I simply won’t have enough time and energy for that. However, I will try to visualize as much as possible of what I’m talking about.

What Will I Be Writing About?

Currently, I plan that the main topics of this blog will be things I’m interested in learning: new technologies, patterns, architectures, and everything related to development. I think most posts will, to some extent, be about frontend development since that’s my daily work. But don’t be surprised if you come across a post about my cats or a book review I read over the weekend. After all, this is a personal blog, and I’m sure sometimes I’ll want to add a bit of variety.

By the way, a bit about creating the blog. Like any curious person, I strive to keep learning. My attempt to understand how Next.js works led to creating this blog. Static site generation and using React.js seemed like an interesting approach. So, if you ask why I chose Next.js for the blog, the answer is simple: it’s a sort of educational project for me.

During the development of the blog, I faced many problems and challenges. And by the way, I’ll write about them in this blog with the tag #my_blog. So, if you’re interested in following my progress in creating the blog, check out the tag or simply visit the project blog page.

How’s the Blog Looking So Far?

As I said, this is my milestone. So, it’s worth writing a bit about what has been done and what is planned for the future.

Currently, I have a basic version of the blog written in Next.js. The content is stored as markdown files, processed and transformed into actual content using the Velite library. For styling, I use Tailwind CSS. For code highlighting, I use Rehype Pretty Code. For animations, I use Framer Motion. For creating the RSS feed, I use feed. By the way, feel free to subscribe. I think that’s all the libraries worth mentioning for now.

What Do I Plan to Do in the Near Future?

In the near future, I plan to publish articles about Next.js because that’s what I’m currently learning, and about Angular because it’s the technology I have the most experience with and have a lot to share.

In the blog itself, I plan to add the ability to comment on posts and subscribe to updates. I will also add a view counter for the posts. That’s probably all the plans for now.

So, if you’re interested in following my successes and failures in developing this blog, subscribe to updates or just check back from time to time.

And by the way, a small remark: I’m not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any possible mistakes in the text. Thanks to ChatGPT for helping with editing and translating the text. But still, if you notice a mistake or just have something to share with me, please email me at roman@romaskydan.com. I would appreciate any feedback.